
I am a nature lover, coffee enthusiast, and an IPA drinker. I love and am inspired by my family and they are a part of everything I do. I love hiking, camping and being surrounded by nature. I do have to admit I love the warmth and heat of summer more than I do the cold winter nights. However there is beauty in both.

I am passionate about capturing the beauty I find in the world, whether it’s through photography, painting, or both. I’ve been casually snapping photos of landscapes and interesting scenes for as long as I can remember. More recently I found Bob Ross who has inspired me to paint with both his style and his cool demeanor.

Professionally, I am a developer by trade and am currently a Product Owner for an application. Even here my decisions are colored with my creative outlook. One of the beautiful things about code and software is that there are at least a hundred different ways to solve a problem, and there is always a creative solution that will help your users.

I hope you enjoy my artwork as much as I do. Please reach out to me with any questions, comments, or if you just want to connect!